, pub-9220471781781135, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Alangulam: 2014

Sunday, 9 November 2014


A stray bitch delivered 8 puppies at S. Alangulam of Madurai. After some days, only 6 survived.
6 puppies

puppies 6

Monday, 15 September 2014

Water not reaching Alangulam

The very big lake like tank (pond) called Alangulam is dry even in rainy season. This kulam is in Madurai 17, Sambandar Alangulam. The channels lead to kulam (lake) became ditches. They are full of polythene mixed debris. This prevents entry of water into the lake. The ditch mixed dirty water finds no way to reach the lake. The channels overflow and the water flows in the residential area.

Madurai Roads

Madurai City is under development. New sewer drainage system works are in progress by damaging the road at several places. The work is dead ...